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  • That's when Balki came upon Progeria, which is a very unfortunate disease where the human body ages much faster than it is supposed to.

    Daily News & Analysis 2009

  • Also known as Progeria of Adulthood, it affects tissue throughout the body, and sufferers often look as if they are 20 or 30 years older.

    Latest News 2008

  • Also known as Progeria of Adulthood, it affects tissue throughout the body, and sufferers often look as if they are 20 or 30 years older.

    Latest News 2008

  • But here is the Wikipedia entry on Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome ( "Progeria", or "HGPS").

    Boing Boing 2009

  • Is there any disorder which has effects opposite to that of 'Progeria'?

    Yahoo! Answers: Latest Questions 2010

  • Collins' lab at NIH uncovered the gene defect behind progeria, research that he says he pursued only because of meeting another mom, Dr. Leslie Gordon, founder of the Progeria Research Foundation, and her son, Sam, who has the disease.

    Push to spur more drugs for deadly rare diseases 2011

  • I think any parent given a similar situation – Progeria being a real disease – would want their child living life to the fullest instead of sheltering them from the world.

    The Flash #233 – The Wild Wests: Fleeting Lives | Major Spoilers - Comic Book Reviews and News 2009

  • [He] looks like he might have Progeria, a terrible disease where your body is elderly even though you're only 8.

    Boing Boing 2009

  • I watched an extremely moving documentary about a girl called ashley who had a medical condition called Progeria where her body aged 13 times faster than a normal human being.

    Boing Boing 2009

  • Collins' lab at NIH uncovered the gene defect behind progeria, research that he says he pursued only because of meeting another mom, Dr. Leslie Gordon, founder of the Progeria Research Foundation, and her son, Sam, who has the disease.

    Push to spur more drugs for deadly rare diseases 2011


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