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  • Russia -- you know, Puti-Pute (ph) is not a good guy.

    CNN Transcript Jul 5, 2007 2007

  • Pute-temini, Sweat-lips; the gens of Maxa-bomdu or Drifting Goose.

    Siouan Sociology James Owen Dorsey 1871

  • How Bush and Co. Broke the Law to Keep Women from Using Birth Control French rapper OrelSan was forced to explain himself this week, as outrage over his song Sale Pute (Dirty Slut), hit the headlines. Main RSS Feed 2009

  • Sale Pute is an immediately recognizable type: women are described only as "bitches" or "hos"; violence is a valid response to infidelity; and -- most importantly -- there is an imperative not to take the lyrics seriously. Main RSS Feed 2009

  • “In german it’s Truthan for male and Pute for female turkey.”

    Vitro Nasu » 2008 » November 2008

  • “In german it’s Truthan for male and Pute for female turkey.”

    Happy Shichimencho Day 2008

  • “ 'Pute why blay the Peggar yourself, togder, andt adapt oldt pallad humsdrum, ven, as a man of science, you could gombose original airs of your own?

    The Great German Composers Ferris, George T 1878

  • There you see, to the east of the Isle of Herm, a stone named Noire Pute, (black whore) at the distance of a large quarter of a league; you leave it on the starboard side, and may approach it within 500 yards.

    Le petit Neptune français; or, French coasting pilot, for the coast of Flanders, Channel, Bay of ... Neptune 1793


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