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  • This was followed by a stint at La Pyramide in Vienne in western France, where he was mentored by Fernand Point.

    Chef Paul Bocuse Harks Back to His Youth Jemima Sissons 2011

  • She also notes that the deliciously mundane financier—a tea cake made with melted browned butter and almonds—bears a striking resemblance to I.M. Pei's Pyramide du Louvre.

    Macarons, Madeleines et More 2011

  • Bonnat offered a red tin filled with "Grand Cru" dominos, while Francois Pralus , another maitre chocolatier, featured a Pyramide des Tropiques, a stack of 10 square bars from Papua New Guinea to Madagascar.

    Chocolate's Dark Cult Ralph Gardner Jr. 2010

  • He built an Egyptian Pyramide which was .. a tomb.

    On Bushevicks, Bolsheviks and Scum: For The Record 2008

  • Projet architectural: Pyramide de 1 km de haut à Tokyo?

    Living in a Pyramid 2007

  • She considered the Pyramide du Louvre, but the length of the entrance line put her off.

    Sepulchre Mosse, Kate 2007

  • Sinon on retrouve Pyramide Head le gros pas beau (qui passe sa vie a violer des femme monstre zombifié dans Silent Hill 2 le jeu) qui normalement se trouve dans le volet 2 du jeu, mais ca n'a pas grande importance puisque si on oublie la vision de ce monstre dans le jeu, dans le film sa presence prend un sens.

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • Sinon notre scene prefere sans conteste avec mon papa c la scene du Pyramide Head devant l'eglise ...

    pinku-tk Diary Entry pinku-tk 2006

  • We walked off lunch by heading towards the Pyramide du Louvre and through the Tuilleries on our way to Place De La Concorde.

    Seattle Bon Vivant: 2004

  • Within the citie is a Pyramide mentioned of in Histories, but not of great importance.

    The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation 2003


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