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  • Seat 5: TELOC39 (dealer) (small blind) HI: lost with Two Pair, queens and threes [Qh 4d 3c Jh - P: Qh, B: Qd, B: 3s, P: 3c, B: Ks] RSS News Feed 2010

  • *** TURN *** [Ks 5c Qd] [3s] *** RIVER *** [Ks 5c Qd 3s] [10h] *** SHOW DOWN *** RSS News Feed 2010

  • Seat 5: CrabMaki showed [8c Qd] and won (155800) with a straight, Eight to Queen

    PocketFives 2010

  • Seat 3: MOTA_L_ZORRO (big blind) won Total (252,512) HI: (252,512) with Two Pair, kings and fives [Kc Ad 5s 4h - B: Ks, P: Kc, P: 5s, B: 5c, B: Qd] RSS News Feed 2010

  • CrabMaki: shows [8c Qd] (a straight, Eight to Queen)

    PocketFives djames88 2010

  • Seat 5: CrabMaki showed [8c Qd] and won (155800) with a straight, Eight to Queen

    PocketFives djames88 2010

  • Kx hands say KxQd would definetly be calling you down with the Qd. So on the turn his range is still pretty wide with Kx, K with the Qd Jd, Kx, Adx (would definetly include Ad7x) and XdXd.

    PocketFives tmac2424 2010

  • Seat 3: Big4390 showed [Qd Kc] and lost with King Queen high

    PocketFives big4390 2010

  • Dealt to forty_as [Qd Ah] forty_as: raises 713 to 1213

    PocketFives forty_as 2010

  • CrabMaki: shows [8c Qd] (a straight, Eight to Queen)

    PocketFives 2010


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