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  • Reiniger anticipated Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks by a decade by devising the first multi-plane camera for certain effects, and her animation - in detail, subtlety, and sheer design sense - is stunning.

    The Adventures of Prince Achmed (and other shadow beings) Heather McDougal 2007

  • The only daughter of a banker and a homemaker, Reiniger set great stock by her birth in the last year of the nineteenth century.

    The Adventures of Prince Achmed (and other shadow beings) Heather McDougal 2007

  • Reiniger anticipated Walt Disney and Ub Iwerks by a decade by devising the first multi-plane camera for certain effects, and her animation - in detail, subtlety, and sheer design sense - is stunning.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Heather McDougal 2007

  • There was a book available in English by Reiniger 30 years ago (it was in my school's library) explaining how to make silhouette puppets, theatres and films and giving a brief history of shadow puppets.

    The Adventures of Prince Achmed (and other shadow beings) Heather McDougal 2007

  • The only daughter of a banker and a homemaker, Reiniger set great stock by her birth in the last year of the nineteenth century.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Heather McDougal 2007

  • Lotte Reiniger was one of those peculiarly creative souls who was lucky enough to have the support and resources to follow her interest - and her interest, from a young child, was silhouettes.

    The Adventures of Prince Achmed (and other shadow beings) Heather McDougal 2007

  • Lotte Reiniger was one of those peculiarly creative souls who was lucky enough to have the support and resources to follow her interest - and her interest, from a young child, was silhouettes.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Heather McDougal 2007

  • While using literal light and shadow, Reiniger also relied on the shadings of music: the fine variations in her animations often parallel the tone and stress of musical notes rather than the hiccoughs of flip-book style animating techniques.

    Archive 2007-06-01 Heather McDougal 2007

  • While using literal light and shadow, Reiniger also relied on the shadings of music: the fine variations in her animations often parallel the tone and stress of musical notes rather than the hiccoughs of flip-book style animating techniques.

    The Adventures of Prince Achmed (and other shadow beings) Heather McDougal 2007

  • It seems that Scott Reiniger, who starred in the Dawn Of The Dead (1978), has discovered that he is the great, great, great grandson of Josiah Harlan, the first American to set foot in Afghanistan.

    Archive 2004-05-01 M-mv 2004


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