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  • _Schluck and Jau_, Hauptmann neglected the poetic drama until 1902, when he presented on the boards of the famous _Burgtheater_ at Vienna, _Henry of Aue_.

    The Dramatic Works of Gerhart Hauptmann Volume I Gerhart Hauptmann 1904

  • Many Davosers were there, the men of Andreas Gredig, Valär, and so forth; and all of these, on greeting Christian, forced us to drain a _Schluck_ from their unmanageable cruses.

    Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, First Series John Addington Symonds 1866

  • Many Davosers were there, the men of Andreas Gredig, Valär, and so forth; and all of these, on greeting Christian, forced us to drain a _Schluck_ from their unmanageable cruses.

    Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III John Addington Symonds 1866

  • Aber jeden Morgen einen Schluck aus der “Erderwärmungs-Tasse” würde jene vielleicht ab und an dazu anregen, ihr rücksichtsloses Verhalten zu überdenken ich weiß, dass ich gerade hart mit manchen in Gericht gehe….

    Warning: Global Warming Mug 2007


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