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  • Die nehme ich immer, wenn ich Schnupfen habe, weil sie wirklich sehr weich sind.

    Facebook says: On the inside, I'm really a German. C N Heidelberg 2009

  • That, however, does not mean “schneiden” in the sense of “cut,” but obviously stems from the noun “Schnupfen,” which is the German word for “cold,” but is more related to “snuff” and leads us straight to the meaning of your snippy and the German “schnippisch.”

    The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time William Safire 2004

  • That, however, does not mean “schneiden” in the sense of “cut,” but obviously stems from the noun “Schnupfen,” which is the German word for “cold,” but is more related to “snuff” and leads us straight to the meaning of your snippy and the German “schnippisch.”

    The Right Word in the Right Place at the Right Time William Safire 2004

  • And then he wondered why he could not get on with his writing and why he was forever catching cold (_einen starken Schnupfen_); and why his head was so thick half the time that he couldn't do a thing with it.

    The Joyful Heart Robert Haven Schauffler 1921


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