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  • Voraussetzungen: Es ist durchaus hilfreich, wenn der Teilnehmer bzw. die Teilnehmerin über eine durchschnittliche körperliche Fitness verfügt und schon einmal ein Schwert in der Hand gehalten hat.

    Archive 2009-07-01 a stitch in time 2009

  • The Red occupies a channel in a flat lakebed, and the nearest valley walls are miles away, allowing its floodwaters to move “as shallow sheets that meet with other shallow sheets,” Schwert said.

    Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » This Can’t Possibly End Well 2009

  • That gives the river a tendency to pool, spilling out as a shallow lake 50 to 60 miles wide at times, as it did in 1997, Schwert said.

    Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » This Can’t Possibly End Well 2009

  • As Schwert points out, the Red River Valley is the youngest major land surface in the contiguous United States.

    Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » This Can’t Possibly End Well 2009

  • The murder itself is only hinted at until the end, though Schwert gives us flashes of the crime throughout, making for some uneasy moments.

    Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat 2005

  • The original story was put together by Jennifer’s older brother Tom and adapted by writer/director John Schwert, who – in a tale that should sound familiar to indie filmmakers everywhere – took out a second mortgage on his home and maxed his credit cards out to get the film made.

    Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat 2005

  • She also mentions on the home page that both The White Mare and The Dawn Stag are published in German translation Tartan und Schwert, and Das Keltische Amulett, respectively, so those editions may be easier to find in German libraries.

    The Dawn Stag, by Jules Watson. Book review Carla 2007

  • With a title like Tartan und Schwert I'd never have picked up the book, thinking it was yet another of those clichéd, badly researched Highland Romances.

    The Dawn Stag, by Jules Watson. Book review Carla 2007

  • By focusing less on Jennifer and more on the three men attempting to maintain the cover-up, Schwert places a lot of faith in his cast.

    Current Movie Reviews, Independent Movies - Film Threat 2005

  • Let's turn again to Jeremy Siegel, who examined U.S. stock prices going all the way back to 1802, using his own research supplemented by that of G. William Schwert, of the University of Rochester; Robert Shiller, of Yale University; the Center for Research in Security Prices; and others.

    Dow 36,000 1999


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