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  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icScotland 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icScotland 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icCheshireOnline 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icScotland 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icNewcastle 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions. - Home 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icCheshireOnline 2010

  • Sorafenib is a small molecular inhibitor of Raf kinase, PDGF

    PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles Gang Wu et al. 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    icNewcastle 2010

  • One drug for that condition - Sorafenib - had been refused approval by Nice but was widely used elsewhere in Europe, the party complained in a dossier of decisions.

    WalesOnline - Home 2010


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