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  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green Jeremy Korzeniewski 2010

  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green Jeremy Korzeniewski 2010

  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green 2010

  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green 2009

  • Eco Gadgets: CLOVERS - A renewable energy education system for eco-conscious kids Eco Cars: Mazda Souga ...

    Ecofriend 2009

  • EarthSure announces AirRay, a solar and wind powered electric car Eco Cars: Mazda Souga ...

    Ecofriend 2009

  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green 2009

  • Mazda's vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog 2009

  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green 2009

  • This vision for the future would have each owner design his own car for the low price of $2,000 while paying an additional monthly usage fee that also covers the price of electricity to power the Souga.

    Autoblog Green 2009


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