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  • Southam is the pre-eminent daily newspaper in 33 major Canadian markets including Vancouver, Montreal, Ottawa, Edmonton, Calgary, Hamilton and Windsor.

    Newspaper Concentration 1997

  • With that came effective control which became absolute control when Hollinger increased its ownership interest in Southam above 50 per cent last December.

    Newspaper Concentration 1997

  • One of the leading examples of our attempt to rekindle the spirit of newspaper professionalism is in Southam's total revamping and re-launch of the Ottawa Citizen.

    Newspaper Concentration 1997

  • Our company's controlling interest in Southam and our ownership of numerous other Canadian newspapers carries with it great responsibility but also presents an exciting opportunity.

    Newspaper Concentration 1997

  • But, however pleasant our stay promised to be here, we were all desirous it should be short: I resolved immediately to despatch my man into the country to purchase a present of cider, for my friends of that which is called Southam, as well as to take with me a hogshead of it to Lisbon; for it is, in my opinion, much more delicious than that which is the growth of

    The Journal of a Voyage to Lisbon 2004

  • The most recent assault upon newspaper concentration dealt with Hollinger's acquisition of a controlling interest in Southam.

    Newspaper Concentration 1997

  • But, however pleasant our stay promised to be here, we were all desirous it should be short: I resolved immediately to despatch my man into the country to purchase a present of cider, for my friends of that which is called Southam, as well as to take with me a hogshead of it to Lisbon; for it is, in my opinion, much more delicious than that which is the growth of Herefordshire.

    The Works of Henry Fielding, Volume Six: Miscellanies 1900

  • "It's tough to see your friends and your teammates not ski anywhere close to really what they're capable of," said James Southam (Anchorage).

    News & notes from the Vancouver Games 2010

  • American James Southam was one of those who fell off the pace between 35 and 40 kilometers.

    Northug adds to medal bounty with gold in cross-country 50k 2010

  • "I was relaxed out of the start, picked up spaces where I could, and all of a sudden I was top-five," Southam said with a laugh.

    Northug adds to medal bounty with gold in cross-country 50k 2010


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