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  • One of the favorite Vienna past times is to go to the Prater at The Schwiezer Haus and drink beer and eat Stelze.

    These Are Made of Awesome. And Fat « Whatever 2007

  • That would be Stelze an Austrian/German specialty.

    These Are Made of Awesome. And Fat « Whatever 2007

  • "So Stelze called to-day and gave you his orders, did he?"

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • The moment had come to play my last card, I felt: I could not risk being delayed on the frontier lest Stelze and his friends should catch up with me.

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • _Der Stelze_ may be lame, Clubfoot may be past his work, but when he travels _en mission_, he travels _en prince_, the man of wealth and substance.

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • "There was a telephone message for you," she added, "to say that der Stelze will come at eight in the morning to receive what you have brought."

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • "But who is Stelze that he should give orders to me?"

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • He had mentioned "the lame fellow," using a German word "der Stelze."

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • "Der Stelze will be here at eight, then," she said.

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914

  • Then they would come down to the area, I should be confronted with the man, Stelze, and my goose would be fairly cooked.

    The Man with the Clubfoot Valentine Williams 1914


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