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  • Smithsonian Chamber Players recital, works by Brahms and Schönberg/Steuermann. 7: 30 p.m.

    D.C. community calendar, Dec. 2 to 9, 2010 Post 2010

  • Matt: I wasn't able to find any record of Steuermann playing the variations in a superficial search - maybe you're right, my memory failed me, and he never played it.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • Steuermann, shortly to flee Europe, never acknowledged the gift, disgusted by Webern's refusal to speak out.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • I expect that Steuermann felt the same way about Webern's attitude as you do now.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • I feel that the bit about Webern is maybe a little more nuanced than that - with Steuermann, while he might not of acknowledged the gift, he did go around playing the Variations a lot and teaching it to his students, which isn't exactly scorn.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • Steven: it was my understanding that Steuermann didn't play the Variations in public until many years after Webern died, but I haven't checked this thoroughly.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • Steuermann, shortly to flee Europe, never acknowledged the gift, disgusted by Webern's refusal to speak out.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • One of the sadder episodes in Webern's life involves the solo piano Variations, written in 1936: Webern dedicated the piece to the Jewish pianist Edward Steuermann as a token of friendship.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • One of the sadder episodes in Webern's life involves the solo piano Variations, written in 1936: Webern dedicated the piece to the Jewish pianist Edward Steuermann as a token of friendship.

    Archive 2007-04-01 Matthew Guerrieri 2007

  • On the other hand, he does say to people like Steuermann that he thinks this is a phase that may work itself out.

    Object lesson Matthew Guerrieri 2007


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