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  • Streichholz und Benzinkanister (like matches and gasoline)

    Latest Articles 2008

  • Streichholz, Dummkopf. "followed by a giggling hiccup; a match rasped in the gloom, a faint glow appeared below, and I almost collapsed with relief as slowly up the stairs lurched Tweedledum, holding a candle unsteadily aloft, with Tweedledee clinging to him for support.

    Watershed 2010

  • Streichholz, Dummkopf. "followed by a giggling hiccup; a match rasped in the gloom, a faint glow appeared below, and I almost collapsed with relief as slowly up the stairs lurched Tweedledum, holding a candle unsteadily aloft, with Tweedledee clinging to him for support.

    Flashman And The Tiger Fraser, George MacDonald, 1925- 1999


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