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  • When he died in 1854 at the early age of forty-two, his young widow “erected a monument of living memories”: her collection of personal prayers in book form, entitled Stunden der Andacht (Hours of Prayer) and subtitled A Book of Prayer and Moral Uplift for Jewish Women and Girls, for use in personal and domestic prayer, as well as for all occasions in women’s lives (Prague, 1855).

    Fanny Neuda. 2009

  • Ich habe die letzten 3 Stunden "Branded by Fire" gelesen und bin so glücklich über Riley und Mercy!

    Guest Author: Michelle Raven Nalini Singh 2009

  • I did the same, and the fragrance from the soap that Stunden had used to clean himself, and which had passed to me from his hand, wafted through the car.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • Now I watched Stunden as he considered the two suicides.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • Geagan and Stunden rose to their feet and prepared to leave.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • That was the word he used to Stunden, but Stunden seemed to think that it might be a symptom of post-traumatic stress as a consequence of his time in Iraq.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • But there were the marks on the floor of room 14 to consider, and the traces of packing materials alongside them, and the fact that, if Stunden was right, then Proctor had apparently been visited by some of the men from Stryker C before he died.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • Everyone probably came up with the same question at the same time, but it was Stunden who asked it first.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • The wine arrived quickly, closely followed by Stunden.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010

  • I think that would be a good thing to do, Mr. Stunden.

    The Whisperers John Connolly 2010


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