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  • People familiar with the situation said that in addition to Mr. Capellas and Mr. Nuti, executives that have turned down AMD's feelers include David DeWalt , who resigned last week as president of McAfee Inc., a security software company recently acquired by Intel, and Greg Summe , a managing director at the private-equity firm Carlyle Group LP.

    CEO Hunt at AMD Drags On Don Clark 2011

  • Through a Carlyle spokesman, Mr. Summe declined to comment.

    CEO Hunt at AMD Drags On Don Clark 2011

  • Munich: 1928; “Summe des Lebens: Lebensfreuden/Lebensleid.”

    Elise Richter. 2009

  • Dank den Bemuhungen des Personals “ACG Logistics”, hat der Warenumsatz die Summe im Wert von 8 Milliarden Euro in dem Jahre 2005 gebildet.

    Techmeme Leaderboard To Launch, Attacking Technorati’s Last Stronghold Michael Arrington 2005

  • D., c. 26 (p. 212, Bährens ed.): "Summe rerum sator, cuius tot nomina sunt quot gentium linguas esse voluisti (quem enim te ipse dici velis, scire non possumus), sive tute quaedam vis mensque divina es, quae toto infusa mundo omnibus miscearis elementis et sine ullo extrinsecus accedente vigoris impulsu per te ipsa movearis, sive alique supra omne caelum potestas es quae hoc opus tuum ex altiore naturae arce despicias."

    The Oriental Religions in Roman Paganism Franz Cumont

  • By these, together with J. Cotton's _Keyes_ and other writings, and by Thomas Hooker's great work _Survey of the Summe of

    The Development of Religious Liberty in Connecticut Maria Louise Greene

  • Summe Iuppiter, 780 quid ego video? haec ea est profecto patera. perii, Sosia.

    Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives Titus Maccius Plautus 1919

  • Torquemada, an eminent Dominican theologian jurisconsult, who took a leading part in the Councils of Basle and Florence, and defended in his "Summe de Ecclesiâ" the direct power of the pope in temporal matters.

    The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux 1840-1916 1913

  • But what cannot fail to strike the most cursory reader is the tone of submission to authority and to the teachings of the Fathers which characterizes every page: "_Summe veneratus est sacros Doctores_," says Cajetan,

    On Prayer and The Contemplative Life Aquinas Thomas 1907

  • Die Summe des Evangeliums ist, dass unser Herr Jesus Christus, wahrer Gottessohn, uns den Willen seines himmlischen Vaters kund gethan, und uns mit seiner Unschuld vom Tode erloeset und Gott versoehnet hat.

    The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches. 1889


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