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  • The EU was no built to let a few demagogs get excited on the stages of Tbilissi or else.

    Georgia crisis: The End of the Americanist illusion! 2008

  • French President Sarkozy got it right when he simply contented himself to copy-pasting Moscow's demands and extending them, with some insistance, to Tbilissi.

    Georgia crisis: The End of the Americanist illusion! 2008

  • It rehabilitated the Ukrainian Nazis, persecuted the Russian Orthodox, and supported Tbilissi in the genocide in Ossétie of the South.

    15 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq 2008

  • It asks “the taken one of Tbilissi”, it puts the Georgian president Saakashivili facing two options: “Or it delivers himself to the Russians to be judged or it must die”.

    15 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq 2008

  • It has not now that a single solution: to conquer Tbilissi and to hold it under our check.

    15 « August « 2008 « Niqnaq 2008

  • It rehabilitated the Ukrainian Nazis, persecuted the Russian Orthodox, and supported Tbilissi in the genocide in Ossétie of the South.

    dugin speaks! 2008

  • It asks “the taken one of Tbilissi”, it puts the Georgian president Saakashivili facing two options: “Or it delivers himself to the Russians to be judged or it must die”.

    dugin speaks! 2008

  • It has not now that a single solution: to conquer Tbilissi and to hold it under our check.

    dugin speaks! 2008


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