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  • “I could tell thee that,” cried Thumbling, interrupting them.

    Household Tales 2003

  • Thumbling in its ear, and then the little creature cried,

    Household Tales 2003

  • Hardly, however had he set his foot inside when Thumbling again cried, “Bring me no more fodder, bring me no more fodder.”

    Household Tales 2003

  • “And we will not sell thee again, no, not for all the riches in the world,” said his parents, and they embraced and kissed their dear Thumbling.

    Household Tales 2003

  • “Oh father,” cried Thumbling, “I will soon bring the cart, rely on that; it shall be in the forest at the appointed time.”

    Household Tales 2003

  • “It is as we wished it to be, and it shall be our dear child;” and because of its size, they called it Thumbling.

    Household Tales 2003

  • Thumbling had great difficulty in working his way; however, he succeeded so far as to get some room, but just as he was going to thrust his head out, a new misfortune occurred.

    Household Tales 2003

  • Her first walk was into the barn, where she laid hold of an armful of hay, and precisely that very one in which poor Thumbling was lying asleep.

    Household Tales 2003

  • When Thumbling saw that they were gone, he crept back out of the subterranean passage.

    Household Tales 2003

  • Thumbling crept still farther in, and as it soon became quite dark, they were forced to go home with their vexation and their empty purses.

    Household Tales 2003


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