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  • But this rusty POS Trabi is mine, might as well takeit.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Destroying the Constitution’s Structure is not Constitutional 2010

  • The Trabant -- generally referred to by its almost human-sounding nickname, "Trabi" -- was the world's first plastic automobile, with a body made of Duroplast, a cotton-reinforced relative of Formica.

    The Man Behind the Modernism 2009

  • After German reunification, the plucky little "Trabi" that East Germans used to wait 10 years to buy became an embarrassment, and its production was stopped.

    What I Learned as a Car Czar Ion Mihai Pacepa 2009

  • His gig is taking tourists and locals alike for spins around town in a smoke-belching "Trabi," as the old Trabants are fondly called.

    Hello, Lenin! 2007

  • Herpa Miniaturmodelle, a German auto company that specializes in the production of specialized vehicles, will be tasked to create a new version of the 'Trabi', which became widely recognized for being exclusively featured in U2's Zoo TV tour from the early 90's and is only one of a select number of cars to have a spot of its own - albeit a hanging one - at the Rock 'n Roll Hall of Fame in Ohio.

    Top Speed 2009

  • So, there is no way to reduce this, other than to create the Trabi auf cellphones and mp3-players and what-other-product-you-can-name.

    Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » The Technocratic Standard-Setting Urge 2009

  • But somewhere in there too was the Ostalgie, involving our family's first Trabi and nights spent around the campfire with the FDJ.

    Sullen Months, Möbius Strips Josef K. Strosche 2011

  • Neil - while the jokes were clearly jokes, many Trabi stories that sound like jokes are not jokes, you're right.

    Making Light: Open thread 137 2010

  • Spouse says "There's a Trabi coming on the left, and the right is clear too."

    Making Light: Open thread 137 2010

  • Guests can book special city tours separately, such as the "Trabi-Safari," in which visitors can go sightseeing in a Trabant, a car produced in what was formerly East Germany.

    Luxury Lifestyle at Denizen Hotels 2009


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