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  • The building is crowned by a magnificent Ibn Tulun Mosque-like dome, not too different from the one above the Museum of Islamic Arts in Doha.

    Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: A Monument of Tolerance in the Heart of Dubai Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi 2010

  • The building is crowned by a magnificent Ibn Tulun Mosque-like dome, not too different from the one above the Museum of Islamic Arts in Doha.

    Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: A Monument of Tolerance in the Heart of Dubai Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi 2010

  • The building is crowned by a magnificent Ibn Tulun Mosque-like dome, not too different from the one above the Museum of Islamic Arts in Doha.

    Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi: A Monument of Tolerance in the Heart of Dubai Sultan Sooud Al-Qassemi 2010

  • We saw the great medieval mosque, Ibn Tulun, where we watched our dragoman remove his shoes, wash his feet, and kneel down to pray, and Khan el-Khalili, the enormous bazaar, where my Lady was treated like a visiting dignitary.

    The Mistress of Nothing Kate Pullinger 2009

  • We saw the great medieval mosque, Ibn Tulun, where we watched our dragoman remove his shoes, wash his feet, and kneel down to pray, and Khan el-Khalili, the enormous bazaar, where my Lady was treated like a visiting dignitary.

    The Mistress of Nothing Kate Pullinger 2009

  • We saw the great medieval mosque, Ibn Tulun, where we watched our dragoman remove his shoes, wash his feet, and kneel down to pray, and Khan el-Khalili, the enormous bazaar, where my Lady was treated like a visiting dignitary.

    The Mistress of Nothing Kate Pullinger 2009

  • We saw the great medieval mosque, Ibn Tulun, where we watched our dragoman remove his shoes, wash his feet, and kneel down to pray, and Khan el-Khalili, the enormous bazaar, where my Lady was treated like a visiting dignitary.

    The Mistress of Nothing Kate Pullinger 2009

  • But did you see how that the Tulun islanders are being forced to move to higher ground because global warming is flooding them out?

    Toby Barlow: 25 Questions Bush Won't Ask Anyone This Week 2008

  • “Ride with me one last time, Tulun, and I will show you the substance of a dream.”

    The Substance of a Dream Megan Arkenberg 2008

  • “You are a merciful man, Tulun of Birjand - an extraordinary quality in these troubled times.”

    The Substance of a Dream Megan Arkenberg 2008


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