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  • initialism Union of Burma Ship. The designation of ships in the Burmese navy.


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  • Moody's Investors Service and Standard & Poor's Ratings Services each put the bank on review for a credit-rating downgrade, while Fitch Ratings placed what it called UBS's "viability rating" on review for a reduction.

    European Stocks Extend Gains Ishaq Siddiqi 2011

  • What I want to see is not only the list of names of the wealthy Americans who've been hiding money in UBS and other Swiss banks to avoid taxes – along with their political party affiliation.

    GOP group targets vulnerable Dems with 'Pelosi Index' 2010

  • UBS is advising Tabcorp on the demerger and underwriting the rights issue.

    Tabcorp To Split Casino and Gaming Businesses Ross Kelly 2010

  • UBS is advising Massey's management, said people familiar with the matter.

    Massey's Directors Mull Sale, Options Joann S. Lublin 2010

  • However, UBS is really the tip of the iceberg when it comes to tax evasion.

    Wonk Room » UBS: Just The Tip Of The Tax Haven Iceberg 2009

  • Shares in UBS fell 5.2 percent to 16.72 francs ($17.20) on the Zurich exchange by noon.

    Swiss Bank UBS Reports $1.7B Profit By FRANK JORDANS 2010

  • On March 25, 2010, BrokeAndBroker. com published a detailed analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission v. Igor Poteroba, Aleksey Koval and Alexander Vorobiev (SDNY March 24, 2010), available here, which alleged that Defendant Igor Poteroba, a high-ranking investment banker in UBS Securities LLC's Global Healthcare Group in New York City, tipped his friend Defendant Aleksey Koval with highly confidential inside information about impending transactions involving pharmaceutical companies.

    Bill Singer: Insider Trading: Frequent Flyers, Potatoes and Macy's Bill Singer 2010

  • UBS is advising high net worth clients to hold 7% to 10% of their assets in precious metals.

    The bulls head the global stampede for gold bullion - but will it last? Richard Wachman 2010

  • On March 25, 2010, BrokeAndBroker. com published a detailed analysis of Securities and Exchange Commission v. Igor Poteroba, Aleksey Koval and Alexander Vorobiev (SDNY March 24, 2010), available here, which alleged that Defendant Igor Poteroba, a high-ranking investment banker in UBS Securities LLC's Global Healthcare Group in New York City, tipped his friend Defendant Aleksey Koval with highly confidential inside information about impending transactions involving pharmaceutical companies.

    Bill Singer: Insider Trading: Frequent Flyers, Potatoes and Macy's Bill Singer 2010

  • So the mere fact that the IRS wore down UBS is chasing other tax evaders out of the woodwork.

    Wonk Room » UBS: Just The Tip Of The Tax Haven Iceberg 2009


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