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  • Then, calling the boy, he gave him such a generous "Viertel" for himself as caused him to retire precipitately and consume it with grins, modified by boiled sausage.

    In the Quarter 1899

  • I saddled up my rusting secondhand steed and peddled over the railroad tracks, past the industrial carcass of expired enterprises and boarded-up shop fronts, through the heart of the empty city, and into the Pankower Viertel.

    Sullen Months, Möbius Strips Josef K. Strosche 2011

  • Just before dinner was served, Rob Berman, the music director at Encores, presented Ms. Marshall who is currently directing "Anything Goes" on Broadway, Mr. Viertel and Mr. Bobbie with their prestigious honor.

    A Serenade for City Center Marshall Heyman 2011

  • There are food activists taking issues of child nutrition and better school lunches to Washington, like Josh Viertel his about for President Obama about government supporting processed food rather than the real food, can be seen on YouTube.

    Katherine Leiner: Growing Roots Katherine Leiner 2011

  • On Monday, City Center, which is currently under renovation, held a benefit at the Plaza Hotel honoring three of the artistic directors who have contributed so much to the Encores program: Walter Bobbie, Kathleen Marshall and Jack Viertel.

    A Serenade for City Center Marshall Heyman 2011

  • At Gasthaus Roessler, tucked away safely in the Pankower Viertel, I didn't need to give him any encouragement.

    Sullen Months, Möbius Strips Josef K. Strosche 2011

  • Take a look at the second paragraph on this site (under the heading Akademisches Viertel)

    M in Dland: Observations 2009

  • The initial intimations had to do with the kids that each and every time I visited his place in the Pankower Viertel could be found lingering somewhere between the buses and the taxis and the Imbiss stands.

    Sullen Months, Möbius Strips Josef K. Strosche 2011

  • His cramped flat was located on the extreme northwest end of the city, in a neighborhood called the Pankower Viertel, conjuring up visions of working-class Berlin.

    Sullen Months, Möbius Strips Josef K. Strosche 2011

  • I was in the Pankower Viertel having coffee with Paola, an Italian woman in her early forties who helped her husband run a pizzeria next to the Rathaus.

    Sullen Months, Möbius Strips Josef K. Strosche 2011


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