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  • Secondly, the German word 'Vorsprung' (meaning, inter alia, 'advance' or 'advantage') is, particularly for the German-speaking public, primarily laudatory in nature.

    The IPKat - happy to serve the IP communities 2010

  • "Vorsprung" than ever before, from the cabin design and layout through to the beautiful new-look feline headlights (with the clever daytime LED running lights)

    Motoring 2009

  • There's a whole lot more "Vorsprung" than ever before

    Motoring 2009

  • Could spread as widely as ‘Vorsprung durch Technik’!

    nique sa mère 2008

  • Audi has "Vorsprung durch Technik" on every ad I've seen in Australia for some years. DENGLISH. 2004

  • Hardly Vorsprung durch Technik in action, but a quick call and with Prussian-like efficiency Dave from Audi Assistance was dispatched post-haste.

    The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed 2011

  • Vorsprung durch Technik, or Advancement through Technology.

    Hemmings Auto Blogs Mark J. McCourt 2010

  • Vorsprung durch Technik, or Advancement through Technology.

    Hemmings Auto Blogs Mark J. McCourt 2010

  • Between 2010 and 2012 the Audi Group is planning to invest around €5.5 billion in order to sustain the Company's technological lead embodied in its "Vorsprung durch Technik" slogan.

    Automotive Headlines 2010

  • When the marketing executives at Audi AG realised they were being mistaken for an Italian car manufacturer, they were quick to use their domestic slogan Vorsprung durch Technik (advancement through technology) in international advertising campaigns.

    Peak Energy Big Gav 2010


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