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  • Quirks and Quarks - great science radio show hosted by one of the most eager radio personalities you'll ever come across; Tapestry - a very good religious show interesting to all faiths or otherwise - I'm an atheist, and I enjoy this program; Writers 'and Company - Eleanor Wachtel is wonderful, and she (or the CBC staff, I guess) manages to find the best/most important writers around to interview - her interview with Saul Bellow shortly before his death was great.

    permission granted 2005

  • "We've built a contract with the audience and want to give them a sense of closure," USA Network co-president Jeff Wachtel told Variety, which first reported the news.

    USA's In Plain Sight To End Next Year After Five Seasons 2011

  • Last month Mr. Wachtel sent an email titled "overlap" to show runners warning them about using "creative mainstays" associated with other USA series.

    The Happy-Time Network Amy Chozick 2011

  • On a visit to Hollywood, a senior GE executive once listened to Mr. Wachtel and other executives explain what they did and then, perplexed, said, "Now I get it, you're like jet engineers," Mr. Wachtel says.

    The Happy-Time Network Amy Chozick 2011

  • "We are always trying to find ways to reward our Psych brand ambassadors for their loyalty and passion and social media plays a critical role in how we connect with the people who matter most — the fans," USA Co-Presidents Chris McCumber and Jeff Wachtel said in a statement.

    USA Renews Psych for Seventh Season 2012

  • For a network that has made its mark with aspirational characters and smart escapism, this is a step in a new direction, said Jeff Wachtel, USA co-president, told Deadline which first reported the news.

    USA Renews Suits For Second Season 2011

  • "After five years as the No. 1 cable network, our development goal must be not only to do great new shows with original voices, but also to push the envelope of audience expectations," Jeff Wachtel, co-president said in a statement.

    USA Network Unveils Upcoming Projects From Kara DioGuardi, Nathan Lane and 11 More 2011

  • The man could have made a fortune staying with Wachtel Lipton, but chose to go on his own for the freedom it provided.

    The Volokh Conspiracy » Greenwald and Gaza 2010

  • "We think there is a creative and audience upside to the show," USA Network Co-President Jeff Wachtel told the site.

    Fairly Legal Renewed For Season 2 — Creative Changes Ahead 2011

  • "We've been chasing Greg for years," Jeff Wachtel, USA co-president, said in a statement.

    USA Gets Political with Greg Berlanti Miniseries 2012


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