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  • "Should the risk of an economic drop increase—because of a strong fall in foreign demand and the strong franc—then there is a serious risk for a deflationary development given already falling consumer prices," SNB board member Jean-Pierre Danthine said in an interview published in Finanz und Wirtschaft newspaper Saturday.

    Swiss Producer, Import Prices Slide Neil MacLucas 2011

  • In a rare interview with Swiss business magazine Finanz und Wirtschaft, she said she had bought her first pony as a youth paid for out of her own pocket.

    Swatch Taps Founder's Daughter to Lead Board 2010

  • Die französische Wirtschaft war im vierten Quartal 2008 bereits um 1,5 Prozent geschrumpft.

    Petit Dejeuner avec Didier Decoin 2009

  • «Die konjunkturelle Belastung der deutschen Wirtschaft dürfte im ersten Quartal 2009 den Höhepunkt erreicht haben.»

    Petit Dejeuner avec Didier Decoin 2009

  • We discovered when we arrived that we had little chance of seeing the castle before it closed, so we just peeked around the town, then returned to Dresden and had dinner at the old standby, Plan Wirtschaft.

    Dresden (3rd time!) and the Saechsische Schweiz C N Heidelberg 2008

  • We discovered when we arrived that we had little chance of seeing the castle before it closed, so we just peeked around the town, then returned to Dresden and had dinner at the old standby, Plan Wirtschaft.

    Archive 2008-08-01 C N Heidelberg 2008

  • We had breakfast the following morning at Plan Wirtschaft.

    Dresden: The Return C N Heidelberg 2008

  • We stayed at the hostel Louise 20, which turned out to be located right above Plan Wirtschaft, the restaurant where we had such a good experience back in November.

    Archive 2008-02-01 C N Heidelberg 2008

  • We stayed at the hostel Louise 20, which turned out to be located right above Plan Wirtschaft, the restaurant where we had such a good experience back in November.

    Dresden: The Return C N Heidelberg 2008

  • We had breakfast the following morning at Plan Wirtschaft.

    Archive 2008-02-01 C N Heidelberg 2008


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