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  • Zeidler M, Stewart GE, Barraclough CR, et al. New variant Creutzfeld-Jacob disease: neurologic features and diagnostic tests.

    Mad-cow Disease 2010

  • Stephen Walt on Libya and Frank Zeidler, the Socialist Party mayor of Milwaukee, Wis., from 1948 to 1960, on the consequences of collective bargaining by public employees.

    Notable & Quotable 2011

  • Will RG, Ironside JW, Zeidler M, et al. A new variant of Creutzfeld-Jacob disease in the UK.

    Mad-cow Disease 2010

  • *** Frank Zeidler, the Socialist Party mayor of Milwaukee, Wis., from 1948 to 1960, writing on the consequences of collective bargaining by public employees, in the magazine Personnel, July- August 1969:

    Notable & Quotable 2011

  • He settled on an actress named Leatrice Joy, née Zeidler.

    Empire of Dreams Scott Eyman 2010

  • Between April 1937 and March 1939 she studied commerce at the firm of Zeidler and Remark.

    Baum Gruppe: Jewish Women. 2009

  • And I say this as someone who grew up with a 6-time elected Socialist mayor (Zeidler in Milwaukee) for my first 12 years and an Independent (Maier) until I left there eight years later.

    Hillary Spokesman: She Won Because New Hampshire Voters "Liked What They Saw" 2009

  • Judy Zeidler, a sophisticated cook and traveler, has written many books of up-to-date recipes that happen to be kosher (The Gourmet Jewish Cook, The 30-Minute Kosher Cook), taking the only sensible approach: her recipes are wide-ranging and good, and don't call for fake versions of ingredients like cream, butter, and bacon, which are almost always unsatisfactory and awful-tasting.

    The Kosher Conversion 2005

  • Judy Zeidler, a sophisticated cook and traveler, has written many books of up-to-date recipes that happen to be kosher (The Gourmet Jewish Cook, The 30-Minute Kosher Cook), taking the only sensible approach: her recipes are wide-ranging and good, and don't call for fake versions of ingredients like cream, butter, and bacon, which are almost always unsatisfactory and awful-tasting.

    The Kosher Conversion 2005

  • More than three decades later, Zeidler, a nearly lifelong Socialist, remained widely active in civic organizations and a respected voice on central-city issues.

    Frank Zeidler, RIP « PurpleSlog – Awesomeness & Modesty Meets Sexy 2006


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