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  • So after they absorb the moisture of the air, the three pounds of zeolites in the Zeolith can release that heat into the wash water, which will result in a faster load cycle.

    Coolest Gadgets Mark R 2010

  • Seimens Zeolith dishwasher saves energy by Mark R - on February 16th, 2010

    Coolest Gadgets Mark R 2010

  • The Zeolith has a design that allows it to recycle the energy of humidity left over from the wash cycle, and it does it with zeolites.

    Coolest Gadgets Mark R 2010

  • Siemens states, "Thanks to Zeolith drying, Siemens dishwashers take a mere 125 minutes to complete the regular cycle.

    TreeHugger 2010


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