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  • Many years ago, when it was being given in the Dresden theatre, I saw it performed four or five times and I remember noticing the wonderful attraction that it had for minds of a certain class (and no very limited class), while for others it was just such an unintelligible farrago of wearisome 'Zeug' as Dante's _Paradiso_ and Beethoven's _Ninth Symphony_ are sometimes said to be.

    The Faust-Legend and Goethe's 'Faust'

  • Seit dieser Zeit wird geforscht was das Zeug hàƒÆ'à‚⣬t und alle donaldistischen ForschungsansàƒÆ'à‚⣴ze haben gemeinsam, durch ErgràƒÆ'à‚⻮dung spezieller PhàƒÆ'à‚⣮omene die metaphysische Verankerung Entenhausens in der realen Welt oder die Existenz eines Parallel-Universums nachzuweisen.

    Von Storch and the Mighty Ducks « Climate Audit 2005

  • I am for some practical subject too; none of your pictures in the air, or aesthetisches Zeug (as Mullner's wife called it, Mullner of the Midnight Blade): nay, I cannot get up the steam on any such best; it is extremely irksome as well as fruitless at present.

    The Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1834-1872, Vol. I Carlyle, Thomas 1883

  • [149] "I am sure that Kleist would rather have taken another wound with him into his grave than have such stuff jabbered over him (_sich solch Zeug nachschwatzen lassen_)."

    Among My Books First Series James Russell Lowell 1855

  • In Deutschland wollen die von Armatix ihr Zeug zwangsweise an die Leute verkaufen, per Gesetz über die Politik .... Matthew Humphries 2010

  • Guido Westerwelle, er hat das Zeug zur historischen Persönlichkeit. - Articles related to PNCC to use SLEx share sale to cover P4-B debt 2010

  • Guido Westerwelle, er hat das Zeug zur historischen Persönlichkeit. - Articles related to PNCC to use SLEx share sale to cover P4-B debt 2010

  • Natürlich weiß niemand wirklich, was sie mit dem Zeug noch alles an Kollateralschaden verursachen bei den Fischen und Shrimps und so, aber es ist vermutlich weniger schlimm als wenn sie das Öl da alles kaputtmachen lassen.

    Fefes Blog 2010

  • Zeug, 'Iolani's first-year girls basketball coach, picked up a win over her alma mater last night as No. 6' Iolani upset top-ranked Punahou 42-38 in a rematch of last year's Division I state championship.

    Starbulletin Headlines 2009

  • Zeug, 'Iolani's first-year girls basketball coach, picked up a win over her alma mater last night as No. 6' Iolani upset top-ranked Punahou 42-38 in a rematch of last year's Division I state championship.

    Starbulletin Headlines 2009


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