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  • So, keeping that in mind, as we are not violent people, we should reject the “mit einem Ziegelstein schlagen,” and we should just send those little fragments to Congress with the word, “bats,” painted on them,as that’s what I think they are.

    Firedoglake » How a Political Operative Sneaks In Under the NYTimes Radar 2006

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] SandroAndrade 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Mirko 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Bille 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Mirko 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Savago 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Frinring 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Mirko 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Bille 2010

  • Either print out the map and address, and walk through the city center (about 10 minutes), or get the U2 toward Flughafen or Ziegelstein, get off at Hauptbahnhof, follow the signs towards Tram at street level, get the 9 Tram towards Thon, get off at Maxfeldstr.

    KDE TechBase - Recent changes [en] Mirko 2010


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