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  • The Big Zilant is apparently intended as a breakthrough award for writers who are getting a lot of attention but haven’t won anything else yet.

    Zilant Awards sfawardswatch 2008

  • Easily she crossed the magic air space of the flying snake Zilant of Kazakhstan and the Roc and the dragon Dahāg of Persia, lingered among the messenger angels and the winged horse Buraq over Al-Jazira and Syria, until reaching the skies of the warrior archangels Michael and Gabriel, defenders of the greatest city of the Christian world.

    Simurgh 2010

  • As far as we can make out, there is more than one of these, but Concatenation only makes mention of the winner of the Big Zilant (we guess Russia’s equivalent of “The Big One”).

    Zilant Awards sfawardswatch 2008

  • One award set from Concatenation that we managed to miss yesterday is Russia’s Zilant Awards.

    Zilant Awards sfawardswatch 2008


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