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  • I mean, we gave our users poker chips if they downloaded this Zwinky toolbar which was like, I don't know, I downloaded it once and couldn't get rid of it . . .

    Get down on the FarmVille 2011

  • Today Zwinky will add a virtual world to the site called Zwinktopia – users can use their avatars to roam around the world, chat with other users and engage in activities to earn Zbucks, the virtual currency of Zwinktopia.

    What the Heck is Google Hell? 2007

  • The 4.7 million unique visitors to Zwinky, and the 20 million who have downloaded the Zwinky toolbar, will no doubt be delighted with the news.

    What the Heck is Google Hell? 2007

  • Interactive Corp., the owner of Ask. com, has a sneaky line of toolbars, the SmileyCentral toolbar, the Zwinky toolbar, and they all do the same thing.

    Google's Ad Gadfly 2009

  • Including Michael Gray, who I know is a big fan of Zwinky and can hardly pull himself away.

    What the Heck is Google Hell? 2007

  • → Barry Diller pushes IAC out of the nest to see if it can fly as five different companies and hatches a new chick, an online virtual world for teens with a name that will make every teenager cringe: Zwinky Cuties.

    The New Establishment: Culture and Celebrity Hanel, Marnie 2008

  • → Barry Diller pushes IAC out of the nest to see if it can fly as five different companies and hatches a new chick, an online virtual world for teens with a name that will make every teenager cringe: Zwinky Cuties.

    The New Establishment: Culture and Celebrity Hanel, Marnie 2008

  • And in late July, retail pioneer Sears Holdings Corp. opened its first online boutique featuring back-to-school apparel and dorm-room furniture on teen site Zwinky. com.

    Retailers 'Sell' to Young Virtually 2008

  • → Barry Diller pushes IAC out of the nest to see if it can fly as five different companies and hatches a new chick, an online virtual world for teens with a name that will make every teenager cringe: Zwinky Cuties.

    The Work Week In Review: Marnie Hanel Hanel, Marnie 2008

  • But Zwinky has been advertising like crazy online – i see their ads everywhere, so that should be helping their cause. the myspace community likes to use photos of themselves; not some zwinky. lol – that televIsion ad looks like something that came out of a cartoon from Asia. reply

    IAC Launches Zwinktopia At Peak of Virtual World Hype Michael Arrington 2005


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