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  • -- This is done by _magnetic manipulation_ of kings, emperors, prime ministers, and others; so that, while the world is fearing and admiring them, they are, in reality, mere puppets played by the workers of the air-loom.

    A Terrible Temptation A Story of To-Day Charles Reade 1849

  • -- As boys raise a kite in the air, so the air-loom can lift an idea into the brain, where it floats and undulates for hours together.

    A Terrible Temptation A Story of To-Day Charles Reade 1849

  • "Mr. Williams says that a machine has been constructed for malignant purposes, which machine is an _air-loom.

    A Terrible Temptation A Story of To-Day Charles Reade 1849

  • "The materials used in the air-loom by these _pneumatic adepts_ are infinite; but principally _effluvia of certain metals, poisons, soporific scents, _ etc.

    A Terrible Temptation A Story of To-Day Charles Reade 1849


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