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  • Estará a escola a preparar cidadãos capazes de agir no seio de uma economia baseada na informação, ou estará a tornar-se um anacronismo?

    Emergência Artur 2007

  • He having waived his anacronismo so generously, it was now my turn to trump up an objection which I could deal with afterwards as circumstances might require.

    Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions Henry Festing Jones 1889

  • I quoted this to my priest, and he admitted its justice; also he was so polite as to waive his objection about anacronismo, which, I then saw, had only been started in consideration of my being a professor; not that

    Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions Henry Festing Jones 1889

  • As he took this line so decidedly and we had given up the anacronismo, I gave up the irreverence at once and agreed with him that there is no reason against any of these things being done if it helps the spectators.

    Castellinaria and Other Sicilian Diversions Henry Festing Jones 1889

  • o sintieron que aquel anacronismo, aquella caridad de otra época, aquel corazón inerme y pacífico que había sobrevivido (p53) casualmente a la guillotina, en nada aminoraba ni deslucía los triunfos del conquistador de Europa, y dejaron a la pobre mujer del pueblo entrar en aquel afortunado portal, que ya nos había traído a la memoria otro portal, no menos afortunado, donde

    Novelas Cortas Pedro Antonio de Alarc��n 1862


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