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  • I checked the Wayback Machine to see if Judith Nathan was listed on older versions of ChangingOurWorld. com but I couldn't find her name anywhere.

    Rudy's Web Bio Deep-Sixes Kids From Previous Marriage 2009

  • I wasn't sure at first if the card was even meant for me, as it bore no mention of my name anywhere.

    Archive 2005-12-01 Alistair Myles 2005

  • And he would just be thrilled to see his name anywhere.

    CNN Transcript Jun 22, 2005 2005

  • The Internet, among other miracles, might put an address to a name anywhere.

    Shattered Francis, Dick 2000

  • SENIOR ADMINISTRATION OFFICIAL: It's possible but you also have to take account of who else suddenly no longer can put a phone call anywhere.

    Background Briefing On Serbia ITY National Archives 1993

  • With a gasp of astonishment the young man looked at him, looked away, looked at the tops of the houses, and did not find a word anywhere.

    The Courage of the Commonplace Mary Raymond Shipman Andrews 1898

  • Above all there is distinct literary merit in it -- a polish which leaves you unable to suggest the betterment of a word anywhere.

    Scott's Last Expedition Volume I Robert Falcon Scott 1890

  • He advanced into the winter as radiantly as if to meet the spring, and he said that if there were any pleasanter month of the year than November, it was December, especially when the weather was good and wet and muddy most of the time, so that you had to keep indoors a long while after you called anywhere.

    Complete March Family Trilogy William Dean Howells 1878

  • As long as I heard her she was never once at a loss for a word anywhere.

    Armadale Wilkie Collins 1856

  • You have My page which other members will be directed to when they click your name anywhere.

    MyLinkVault Newest Links 2009


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