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  • What does 'arabization' /arabisation mean anyway, and especially in Sudan?

    Current Affairs Marian 2009

  • The speak out on: racial 'arabization', The Arab leadership goes beyond that and forces the Assyrians to embrace the Arabist national ideology. that the Assyrians are being asked to commit ethnic suicide by being submerged in Arabism

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • I see, for instance, the term “forced arabization” wrong.

    Ask the Experts About Algeria - The Lede Blog - 2008

  • I see, for instance, the term “forced arabization” wrong.

    Ask the Experts About Algeria - The Lede Blog - 2008

  • In the north, the Kurds, though mostly Sunni, are on the alert to resist any attempts by Sunni Arabs, the ones moved in by Saddam Hussein as part of his arabization of Kurdistan, to retake power in Mosul or Kirkuk.

    Jihad Watch Hugh 2010

  • Muslims, instead of being the recipients of more and yet more kinds of aid (that we do not extend to non-Muslims), are forced to start confronting what Islam itself has caused, and what might have been had the "gift of Islam" never arrived in the vast swath of territories that were conquered by the forces of Islam, containing many peoples who found that with Islam came the attempt at arabization.

    David Horowitz Freedom Center 2010

  • Not a single inhabitant of the aforementioned realm (except the region of Hedjaz) is Arab, and the mere phenomenon of linguistic arabization did not change in anything the Aramaean, Yemenite, Coptic, Nubian, Kushitic and Berberic identities of the greatly different (from one another) nations …

    American Chronicle 2009

  • The battle cry of the Arab-Islamic elite is total and comprehensive arabization and islamization of the South, and hence South becoming a stepping-stone into Africa.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • The battle cry of the Arab-Islamic elite is total and comprehensive arabization and islamization of the South, and hence South becoming a stepping-stone into Africa.

    Conservapedia - Recent changes [en] 2009

  • The linguistic arabization of Yemen was a slow process, and it was even slower in the south-eastern provinces of Yemen.

    American Chronicle 2008


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