
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun ecology The long-term process by which a region becomes more arid


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

arid +‎ -ification


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  • English, finding that about half the words that appear in books are "dark matter" that do not appear in reference books -- words that may be compound words, proper nouns, or just are undocumented, like "aridification" or "slenthem." Top Stories 2010

  • These results suggest that climate changes that promote the expansion or increase in density of conifer forest are likely to increase the incidence of fire, but that climate changes that decrease conifers (too-frequent burning, aridification) are likely to decrease subsequent burning.

    Climate change and fire in the Arctic 2009

  • The actual response of treeline white spruce in this part of the world also adds support to the suggestion that aridification could be a major issue under climate scenarios projected by the ACIA-designated models.

    Direct climate effects on tree growth in the Arctic 2009

  • Californian urban aridification…I⳶e today come across the phenomen of heat-bursts…A Wiki source mentions Abadan Iran June

    Tucson's Amazing USHCN Station « Climate Audit 2007

  • Late Miocene-Pliocene development of Asian aridification as recorded in the Red-Earth Formation in northern China [An article from: Global and Planetary Change] by Z. Guo

    What Better Way... 2006

  • It is suggested that this upland olive cultivation also corresponds with the global Roman warming and aridification trend.

    Interactive Dig Sagalassos - Palynological Survey Report 1 2003

  • Over millions of years, the forest has expanded and shrunk with climate change, and an aridification trend over the past several hundred thousand years has caused the forest to contract to mountainous areas, Leaché said.

    New gecko species identified in West African rain forests 2010

  • The calculated age estimates suggest that the ovenbird-woodcreeper family started to diverge at ca 33 Mya, and that the timing of habitat shifts into open environments may be correlated with the aridification of South America during the last 15 My.

    BioMed Central - Latest articles 2009


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