
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • adjective That can be aroused


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

arouse +‎ -able


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  • Interestingly, although people with varying levels of some personality traits, such as neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness, intermarry at a seemingly random rate, high-sensation seekers - as well as those on the low end of the sensation-seeking scale - tend to pick similarly arousable people as mates.

    Evolutionary psychology explores ancient and newer roots of instinctual fears Arthur Allen 2010

  • Interestingly, although people with varying levels of some personality traits, such as neuroticism, agreeableness and conscientiousness, intermarry at a seemingly random rate, high-sensation seekers - as well as those on the low end of the sensation-seeking scale - tend to pick similarly arousable people as mates.

    Evolutionary psychology explores ancient and newer roots of instinctual fears Arthur Allen 2010

  • Now, of course, now that she had been freed of the psychological chains, the confining restrictions, the imprisoning inhibitions of the free woman, I had little doubt that she, and perhaps even soon, would prove to be a helplessly arousable, helplessly yielding slave, a joy both to herself and her masters.

    Cinnamon Roll 2010

  • Harvey Nash, older, filled with regrets (sort of), more charming and arousable than ever, just in from the Coast, where he's reinvented himself as Nash Harvey, jingle composer and chronic bachelor, has returned to the scene of his first romantic crime. (read a sample chapter)

    Archive 2007-07-01 2007

  • Harvey Nash, older, filled with regrets (sort of), more charming and arousable than ever, just in from the Coast, where he's reinvented himself as Nash Harvey, jingle composer and chronic bachelor, has returned to the scene of his first romantic crime. (read a sample chapter)

    7/28: New at the library this week 2007

  • Now, the compromised state of consciousness, that simply seems to mean that maybe he's in and out of consciousness, some periods of time where he's just not arousable.

    CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005 2005

  • But for the lay public, what it typically means is someone who is just not arousable, who is neither aware nor arousable.

    CNN Transcript Apr 2, 2005 2005

  • REINER: He was arousable but, you know, deeply sedated.

    CNN Transcript Jun 30, 2001 2001

  • White also said such a flow of propofol would have made Jackson "sleepy but arousable and breathing spontaneously," but it would not have killed him. 2011

  • The fourth stage is the deepest form of sleep during which the patient is the least arousable. - Articles related to Get your beauty sleep 2010


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