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  • Other favorites on the menu include risotto (prices vary) and the insalata di pollo arrosto, a roasted-chicken salad ($18), the chef said.

    Palio d'Asti 2011

  • Ramsay de Give for The Wall Street Journal The tortelli della nonna is made with braised beef ravioli, fossa cheese and sugo di arrosto, which are drippings from a roast.

    Italian on the Edge of SoHo 2010

  • The spighe arrosto, the watermelons, were for a moment forgotten on the stalls of their vendors, who ceased from shouting to the passers-by.

    A Spirit in Prison Robert Smythe Hichens 1907

  • What did it matter to him if we were pulling out our watches and chattering in well-contented undertone about _vino nobile_, _biftek_, and possibly a _polio arrosto_, or a dish of

    Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Complete Series I, II, and III John Addington Symonds 1866

  • What did it matter to him if we were pulling out our watches and chattering in well-contented undertone about _vino nobile_, _biftek_, and possibly a _polio arrosto_, or a dish of

    Sketches and Studies in Italy and Greece, Third series John Addington Symonds 1866

  • What did it matter to him if we were pulling out our watches and chattering in well-contented undertone about _vino nobile_, _biftek_, and possibly a _pollo arrosto_, or a dish of _tordi_?

    New Italian sketches John Addington Symonds 1866

  • Over the £30 per plate coniglio arrosto, or the tagliatelle di castagne ai funghi selvatici Sarah Brown lunched with her husband's very own dodgy, expenses fiddling, pension raiding, non-dom donor, Lord Swraj Paul.

    Guy Fawkes' blog guidofawkes 2010

  • (_fritto_), stewed (_umido_) and roast (_arrosto_).

    The Gourmet's Guide to Europe Algernon Bastard 1885

  • I divined that he lived in an atmosphere of scalded pullet; that three earthen cups of clotted chickens 'blood, placed upon his window-shelf, formed his idea of an attractive display, and that he shadowed forth his conceptions of the beautiful in symmetrical rows of plucked chickens, presenting to the public eye rear views embellished with a single feather erect in the tail of each bird; that he must be, through the ethics of competition, the sworn foe of those illogical peasants who bring dead poultry to town in cages, like singing birds, and equally the friend of those restaurateurs who furnish you a meal of victuals and a feather-bed in the same _mezzo - polio arrosto_.

    Venetian Life William Dean Howells 1878


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