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  • In augst we will only have 2 months to campain against McCain?!?!

    Blitzer: Hold new Florida, Michigan primaries in August? 2008

  • He had sugrey on his face, both ankles and wrist. he is expected to be out of the hospital in july or early augst.

    Examiner California Headlines 2010

  • Slide 8: History • 17 augst 2005 - open letter to the community • 01 sept

    Recently Uploaded Slideshows 2008

  • Im in SC and it always started on wed beginning of August but with kids starting school back early, ppl werent going to the beach in augst so they pushed school back till middle of August to allow more tourism even though It still aint pushed back enough, but then look at our governor here in sc and we rank 49th so I guess they in congress arent smart enough to push it back till sept so we could have more tourism within residents.

    The Most Wonderful Time... 2009


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