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  • Naja and I had the video along and there to have we ours ausbilderin in demand whether we the video in lunch time look at ourselves surfen. but we surften that witten in arbeitszect look 1,5 grant. that was so cool. there other things were, erzahlt I you at the telephone after. and we find you the new video eignetlich?

    with help from babel fish 2007

  • Naja and I had the video along and there to have we ours ausbilderin in demand whether we the video in lunch time look at ourselves surfen. but we surften that witten in arbeitszect look 1,5 grant. that was so cool. there other things were, erzahlt I you at the telephone after. and we find you the new video eignetlich?

    Archive 2007-02-01 2007


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