
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A balcony or gallery.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun obsolete A balcony.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Obsolete form of balcony.


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  • - "a shelf that the French unblushingly call a balcon, or balcony"

    All Stories | The New York Observer 2010

  • I took this photo of her on the "balcon" of her flat on Saftlevenstraat, in the centre of Rotterdam, in August of 1966, when I was 16 and she was 70.

    Oma Belinda 2009

  • [...] 11 Abril 2010 Hermosas creaciones del arquitecto Robert Cannon!, me encanaria tener una en mi balcon y ver como el musgo va a ir creciendo poco a poco.

    Curved Leather Unit, An Original Interior Design Tool 2010

  • The exact sentence is: ‘Il y a du monde au balcon!’ and is still used, though less and less.

    tea 2007

  • References: le balcon (m) = balcony; la cloche (f) = bell; le midi (m) = midday, noon; Riviera of Flowers (in Italian: "Riviera dei Fiori," so-named for the flower industry in this part of Italy); tout simplement = quite simply

    souris (Italy, part 2) - French Word-A-Day 2006

  • References: le balcon (m) = balcony; la cloche (f) = bell; le midi (m) = midday, noon; Riviera of Flowers (in Italian: "Riviera dei Fiori," so-named for the flower industry in this part of Italy); tout simplement = quite simply

    souris (Italy, part 2) - French Word-A-Day 2006

  • Tandis qu’à ce balcon, seul, je veille et je pleure,

    La Nuit d'Octobre 1920

  • Il y a la un long balcon d'ou l'on voit le fort courant du Rhin qui passe sous l'ancien pont.

    Philip Gilbert Hamerton Hamerton, Philip G 1896

  • And that other stanza, "The Châtelaine and the Page;" and that other, "The Doves;" and that other, "Romeo and Juliet," and the exquisite cadence of the line ending "_balcon_."

    Confessions of a Young Man 1892

  • Sa Sainteté fut sur un balcon pour voir son entrée.

    Picturesque Quebec : a sequel to Quebec past and present 1868


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