
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun One who takes part in a ball for dancing.
  • noun One who or that which forms anything into balls.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun slang One who plays basketball; a basketballer.
  • noun slang One who lives an extravagant, money-driven lifestyle.


from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License

to ball + -er.


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  • I like to halve them and use a melon baller, which is getting a big workout this week, to remove the cores.

    simplest apple tart | smitten kitchen 2007

  • Tupac Shakur was a huge basketball fan -- he even portrayed a wanna-be '' baller '' in the 1993 film "Above the Rim."

    Hits Until The End Of Time 2007

  • Nice to read the blog and hear you are showing off your "baller" skills in China.

    Another week gone Angie 2006

  • The local papers reported on his lavish life style, which included owning a Lamborghini with the number plate "baller", sailing a massive boat, chartering private jets, and opening a night club among other things. RSS News Feed C Costigan 2010

  • The local papers reported on his lavish life style, which included owning a Lamborghini with the number plate "baller", sailing a massive boat, chartering private jets, and opening a night club among other things. RSS News Feed C Costigan 2010

  • Porter says that Miz is not a 'baller' and will never be a 'baller'.

    PWInsider Latest Articles 2010

  • The local papers reported on his lavish life style, which included owning a Lamborghini with the number plate "baller", sailing a massive boat, chartering private jets, and opening a night club among other things. RSS News Feed C Costigan 2010

  • If you wanted to be a "baller" you didn't have to buy rare, expensive JDM parts.

    Honda Tuning Magazine News 2010

  • I guess it's appropriate that a well known 'baller' would be a master of the headfake.


  • I guess it's appropriate that a well known 'baller' would be a master of the headfake.



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