
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A stove or furnace constructed on the base-burning principle.

from the GNU version of the Collaborative International Dictionary of English.

  • noun A furnace or stove in which the fuel is contained in a hopper or chamber, and is fed to the fire as the lower stratum is consumed.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Alternative form of baseburner.


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  • The big base-burner, filled with anthracite coal, was illuminating the room through its mica windows, on all sides, and dispensing a warmth that smiled at the storm and cold outside.

    Reveries of a Schoolmaster Francis B. Pearson

  • Miss King is going to give you a handsome base-burner coal stove.

    Amarilly of Clothes-line Alley Belle Kanaris Maniates

  • The heating apparatus consists of one of Hitchings 'base-burner boilers with a four-inch hot-water pipe that passes around inside the cellar, and it deserves special mention because of its economy, efficiency, and the satisfaction it gives generally.

    Mushrooms: how to grow them a practical treatise on mushroom culture for profit and pleasure William Falconer

  • I made no attempt to go to bed, but, having removed my evening gown and donning a warm bathrobe, I went from basement to kitchen, then to the big base-burner in the hall, and back over the same route, shaking down the grates and piling in the coal.

    Madeleine: An Autobiography Madeleine 1919

  • I made no attempt to go to bed, but, having removed my evening gown and donning a warm bathrobe, I went from basement to kitchen, then to the big base-burner in the hall, and back over the same route, shaking down the grates and piling in the coal.

    Madeleine An Autobiography Anonymous 1919

  • The sisters had never had a tree, but they always hung their stockings on a line behind the "base-burner" in the sitting-room of the Bloomingsburg tenement.

    The Corner House Girls at School Grace Brooks Hill 1917

  • When Selene Coblenz, with a gust that swept the room, sucking the lace curtains back against the panes, flung open the door upon that chromatic scene, the two jets of gas were singing softly into its silence, and, within the nickel-trimmed base-burner, the pink mica had cooled to gray.

    The Best Short Stories of 1917 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story Various 1915

  • Beside the stove, a base-burner with faint fire showing through its mica, the identity of her figure merged with the fat upholstery of the chair, except where the faint pink through the mica lighted up old flesh, Mrs. Miriam Horowitz, full of years and senile with them, wove with grasses, the écru of her own skin, wreaths that had mounted to a great stack in a bedroom cupboard.

    The Best Short Stories of 1917 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story Various 1915

  • She dropped down into the upholstered chair beside the base-burner, the pink and moisture of exertion out in her face, took to fanning herself with the end of a face-towel flung across her arm.

    The Best Short Stories of 1917 and the Yearbook of the American Short Story Various 1915

  • The man's face and neck were of a purplish, apoplectic hue; he seemed to radiate heat-waves like a base-burner.

    The Ne'er-Do-Well Rex Ellingwood Beach 1913


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