
from The Century Dictionary.

  • noun A garden attached to a brewery, tavern, or saloon, in which beer is served.


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  • Two foreign songs turn out to be beautifully bogus: Pink Martini's faux-French "Sympatique" and "Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen," a Yiddish swing hit as misinterpreted by a domineering beer-garden fraulein in an audience participation bit that proves, "South Park" to the contrary, that Germans can be funny.

    The Jazz Scene: Hot Tones, Francophones Will Friedwald 2011

  • But the beer-garden bombing and other attacks show how it is willing to inflict more civilian casualties as it attempts to spread an ideology that mirrors that of other militant Islamic groups in Africa and beyond.

    Nigeria Struggles Against Militant Upsurge Will Connors 2011

  • To tie together a book that covers the colonial-era tavern, the frontier barrelhouse, the high-toned New York City saloon, the German beer-garden, the speakeasy, the cocktail lounge, the gay bar and even the contemporary neo-speakeasy, a writer needs a grand theme.

    The All-American Place David Wondrich 2011

  • But the beer-garden bombing and other attacks show how it is willing to inflict more civilian casualties as it attempts to spread an ideology that mirrors that of other militant Islamic groups in Africa and beyond.

    Nigeria Struggles Against Militant Upsurge Will Connors 2011

  • Andrew Osborn/The Wall Street Journal The bloodshed transformed Ms. Kesayeva from a beer-garden proprietor into one of the most outspoken critics of Russia's government.

    Four Years Later, Dissident Sees 2008

  • His two nieces knew him well; for on certain stated days they were wont to attend on him at his lodgings, where they would be regaled with cakes, and afterwards go with him to some old-fashioned beer-garden in his neighbourhood.

    Tales of all countries 2004

  • When they all passed their evenings together in the beer-garden, she would studiously manage that his chair should not be close to her own.

    Tales of all countries 2004

  • In the crowded beer-garden tent, they ate crisp white sausages with spicy mustard and drank Berliner Weisse—beer mixed with a shot of raspberry syrup—while listening to the accordion band play waltzes and gaudy carnival music.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • In the crowded beer-garden tent, they ate crisp white sausages with spicy mustard and drank Berliner Weisse—beer mixed with a shot of raspberry syrup—while listening to the accordion band play waltzes and gaudy carnival music.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994

  • In the crowded beer-garden tent, they ate crisp white sausages with spicy mustard and drank Berliner Weisse—beer mixed with a shot of raspberry syrup—while listening to the accordion band play waltzes and gaudy carnival music.

    Stones from the River Ursula Hegi 1994


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