
from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun Attributive form of birthday girl


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  • The evening was kicked off with a quick visit to the home of the birthday-girl... where munkey lavished his spirit-sister with "The Art Of The Return Of The King" Big Surprise, since I gave her the same book of the previous two Lord Of The Rings films the last two years running *predictable munkey*.

    Archive 2005-01-01 2005

  • The evening was kicked off with a quick visit to the home of the birthday-girl... where munkey lavished his spirit-sister with "The Art Of The Return Of The King" Big Surprise, since I gave her the same book of the previous two Lord Of The Rings films the last two years running *predictable munkey*.

    are you sitting comfortably? ...then I'll begin 2005

  • ... according to Sean Lennon and model/musician/birthday-girl the party multiple times throughout the night.

    brooklynvegan 2010


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