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  • One good thing about is that it is very easy and user friendly.

    Secrets of Blogging Success | TECHNOLOGY NEWS 2010

  • I would like to exchange links with your site

    Heat-Addled: Cooler Heads Will Prevail BikeSnobNYC 2010

  • You can log on to and register and create your blog.

    Secrets of Blogging Success | TECHNOLOGY NEWS 2010

  • Phil asked me to post this message on his blog because, as of three days ago, the Great Chinese Firewell has blocked, the site hosting Phil's "Runnin' the Great Wall" blog.

    Archive 2009-05-01 Phil Razem 2009

  • First thing - Carole B who won the quilting stencils, although you've commented a couple of times, your email address still doesn't show (it comes through as noreply-comment - so can you either leave a comment with your email address typed in it (e g caroleb at provider dot com - to avoid spamming) or actually email me at my email (which is katelnorth at yahoo dot com) rather than commenting.

    Winners & Giveaway Admin katelnorth 2007

  • First thing - Carole B who won the quilting stencils, although you've commented a couple of times, your email address still doesn't show (it comes through as noreply-comment - so can you either leave a comment with your email address typed in it (e g caroleb at provider dot com - to avoid spamming) or actually email me at my email (which is katelnorth at yahoo dot com) rather than commenting.

    Archive 2007-11-01 katelnorth 2007

  • Phil asked me to post this message on his blog because, as of three days ago, the Great Chinese Firewell has blocked, the site hosting Phil's "Runnin' the Great Wall" blog. blocked in China by the Chinese Communist Government Phil Razem 2009

  • See for examples this is to limiting and probably a rip off of a program that I saw about four years ago unless they bought the rights..

    Repper Turns Your Photos Into Abstract Patterns | Lifehacker Australia 2009

  • Additional information host: uri: /

    charles statman Charles Statman 2008

  • The "Dorothea's Closet" link has a stray space in it I think, and blogger is trying to prefix it with "".

    A Linktastic Friday to End All Linktastic Fridays - A Dress A Day 2008


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