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  • With this paper, the working group concluded that blood-donor screening for XMRV wasn't needed, because this and other retroviruses in the same family didn't threaten the safety of the blood supply.

    Scientists Retreat on Chronic-Fatigue Theory Amy Dockser Marcus 2011

  • The working group concluded that the two labs had false positives, and that blood-donor screening wasn't necessary.

    Scientists Retreat on Chronic-Fatigue Theory Amy Dockser Marcus 2011

  • She agreed that blood-donor screening for XMRV wasn't needed.

    Scientists Retreat on Chronic-Fatigue Theory Amy Dockser Marcus 2011

  • She dissipated the sympathy declared worldwide in the aftermath - including blood-donor points in Gaza - and proceeded with a massive military response that continues bloodily to this day.

    Simon Jenkins: Giving Terrorism what it Craves 2008

  • We have benefited from millions of dollars in free media support for our blood-donor clinics and other activities.

    The Role of the Canadian Red Cross Society 1996

  • While many people are not fully aware of all the activities of the Red Cross, I think 1 can assume that it is known to most of you, either in connection with disaster relief, or as the promoter of the Geneva Conventions; as First Aid or Homemaker Services; or as blood-donor clinics or swimming lessons.

    Red Cross at the Crossroads 1987

  • The HIV/HCV/HBV Nucleic Acid Qualification Panel is designed to compete favorably in the market by combining all three of the most commonly tested disease markers for both blood-donor screening and diagnostic testing in a single panel.

    unknown title 2011

  • Other pro-gay moves by the administration include advising hospitals to allow gay men and lesbians to freely visit their partners when they are patients, and reopening the discussion about changing the Food and Drug Administration's blood-donor policy to allow gay men to give blood if they have been sexually abstinent for a certain period of time.

    Newsmax - Inside Cover 2010

  • Still, gay rights groups have long been fighting to change blood-donor rules, and several countries have relaxed their policies.

    The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines < 2010

  • "We would like to reduce discrimination, and we would like a blood-donor pool that's large enough to ensure that there's a safe and sufficient blood supply, particularly in times of emergency," he said.

    The Washington Times stories: Latest Headlines < 2010


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