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  • noun Plural form of blustering.


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  • The fact is, independent of this world of declarations, threats, and official blusterings, Taiwan has functioned for a very long time as an independent country, and it holds true democratic elections that legitimize this rule both domestically, and for those people elsewhere with a conscience, abroad as well.

    FAIL: NY Times Interactive Map of China's Minorities Michael Turton 2009

  • Is it possible that Nifong stuck his foot in his mouth with all of his premature blusterings about the lax players 'guilt, but later realized that they were innocent and did not want to wrongly convict them.

    Is That Legal?: Duke Lacrosse Case 2006

  • I find most of them to be a collection of whinings and blusterings that is dependent on the fact that no one actually knows the writer well enough to call him on his bluff.

    Collect Call From Coruscant 2005

  • It was doubtful if she heard any of the abbot's carefully measured words, or the uneasy blusterings of Astley, alternately offering her gallantries of comfort she did not value or need, and recalling feverishly that this crime left all questions unanswered, and in some none too logical way went to prove that the hermit had indeed been a priest, and the marriage he had solemnized still a marriage.

    The Hermit of Eyton Forest Peters, Ellis, 1913- 1987

  • It was doubtful if she heard any of the abbot's carefully measured words, or the uneasy blusterings of Astley, alternately offering her gallantries of comfort she did not value or need, and recalling feverishly that this crime left all questions unanswered, and in some none too logical way went to prove that the hermit had indeed been a priest, and the marriage he had solemnized still a marriage.

    The Hermit of Eyton Forest Peters, Ellis, 1913- 1987

  • He is engaged in the enviable task of introducing a party of ladies to view the richly-adorned cups; and the smile of gallantry which plays upon his countenance belies the versatility of his talent, which can blow a storm on the officers of a Custom House cutter more to be dreaded than the blusterings of old Boreas.

    The Mirror of Literature, Amusement, and Instruction Volume 13, No. 374, June 6, 1829 Various

  • Even the blusterings of the United States were unheeded, and in no degree disturbed her stern equanimity.

    Willis the Pilot Paul Adrien

  • In a state of semi-stupefaction after all the questionings and examinings and blusterings, they were finally allowed to go straight across Paris.

    The Lost Girl 1907

  • It was also unfortunately intimidating the Government by its blusterings into using the irresistible powers of the State to intimidate the sensible people, thus enabling a despicable minority of would-be lynchers to set up a reign of terror which could at any time have been broken by a single stern word from a responsible minister.

    Heartbreak House George Bernard Shaw 1903

  • With the saddening secret, which had so long pressed upon his mind, he seemed to have thrown off his old nature, as a cast skin: and now he was all frankness for reserve, all piety for profaneness, all peacefulness for blusterings and wrath.

    The Twins A Domestic Novel Martin Farquhar Tupper 1849


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