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  • 'I believe I forgot where I was, and have treated you to one of my old dreams in my boatings at home.

    The Heir of Redclyffe Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862

  • I like nothing better than to hear of your ridings, and shootings, and boatings.

    The Heir of Redclyffe Charlotte Mary Yonge 1862

  • There were brilliant cavalcades through the woods in the mornings, and delicious boatings on the lake by moonlight; and the last day Professor Wilson ( 'the Admiral of the Lake,' as

    Rides on Railways Samuel Sidney 1848

  • "The next day, Jim boated the crews with the comment that it had been late yesterday, that John had not had much of a chance, and that we would start out again with the same boatings.

    unknown title 2009

  • "The next day, Jim boated the crews with the comment that it had been late yesterday, that John had not had much of a chance, and that we would start out again with the same boatings.

    unknown title 2009

  • "The next day, Jim boated the crews with the comment that it had been late yesterday, that John had not had much of a chance, and that we would start out again with the same boatings.

    unknown title 2009


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