
from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 5th Edition.

  • noun A water pipe that consists of a bottle or a vertical tube partially filled with liquid and a smaller tube ending in a bowl, used often in smoking narcotic substances.
  • noun A deep ringing sound, as of a bell.
  • intransitive verb To cause to sound with a deep ringing noise.
  • intransitive verb To make a deep ringing noise.

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License.

  • noun A very wide piton.
  • noun A clang of a large bell.
  • noun Door bell chimes.
  • verb to pull a bell.
  • verb to ring a doorbell.
  • noun A vessel, usually made of glass or ceramic and filled with water, used in smoking various substances; especially marijuana or pot.
  • noun A device for rapidly consuming beer, usually consisting of a funnel or reservoir of beer and a length of tubing.

from WordNet 3.0 Copyright 2006 by Princeton University. All rights reserved.

  • noun a dull resonant sound as of a bell
  • verb ring loudly and deeply


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition


from The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, 4th Edition

[Thai baung.]

from Wiktionary, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License



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  • Bella, as for you, I think youve been taking showers in bong water, listening to the beatles 24-7 (theyre later music, the earlier stuff was good) and putting crack in your coffee.

    Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists 2009

  • But when I plugged it back into the third extension cable, I heard a little bing-bong from the computer.

    MDRS-88 sol 7: Engineering 2010

  • Bella, as for you, I think youve been taking showers in bong water, listening to the beatles 24-7 (theyre later music, the earlier stuff was good) and putting crack in your coffee.

    Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists 2009

  • Was it just me or did anyone else see the word bong instead of bang on the last one?

    Taking Liberties Jen 2009

  • Out on the sugar-white Florida panhandle sand, freckle-faced Patrick Mulligan, 20, does a handstand while his friends from the University of Massachusetts funnel -- "bong" -- a quart of foaming Budweiser into his mouth.

    To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! 2008

  • Out on the sugar-white Florida panhandle sand, freckle-faced Patrick Mulligan, 20, does a handstand while his friends from the University of Massachusetts funnel -- "bong" -- a quart of foaming Budweiser into his mouth.

    To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! To-Ga! 2008

  • • must not use the word bong, marijuana or other synonyms for any illegal substance.

    The Daily Aztec RSS 2009

  • What The Social Network gets right, is that these two spaces are often cohabitated by the same people, especially at prestigious institutions like Harvard; at [substitute reputable school name here], the idiot who fell out of his dorm room window while clutching a bong is the same kid who discovered a plausible explanation to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity ... or whatever.

    Zach Weisberg: Seeking Truth in The Social Network Zach Weisberg 2010

  • What The Social Network gets right, is that these two spaces are often cohabitated by the same people, especially at prestigious institutions like Harvard; at [substitute reputable school name here], the idiot who fell out of his dorm room window while clutching a bong is the same kid who discovered a plausible explanation to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity ... or whatever.

    Zach Weisberg: Seeking Truth in The Social Network Zach Weisberg 2010

  • What The Social Network gets right, is that these two spaces are often cohabitated by the same people, especially at prestigious institutions like Harvard; at [substitute reputable school name here], the idiot who fell out of his dorm room window while clutching a bong is the same kid who discovered a plausible explanation to reconcile quantum mechanics and general relativity ... or whatever.

    Zach Weisberg: Seeking Truth in The Social Network Zach Weisberg 2010


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